Sunday 13th May 2007
Championship: 60 shots at 25 metres
To be shot using .22lr calibre semi-automatic target pistol with five shot magazine or .22lr calibre revolver with five shot capacity (larger magazine or revolver capacities must be loaded with five shots only before each series).
Entry Fee: €15 to include NTSA levy of €2
Prizes for 1st to 3rd in Championship
Course of fire:
- 5 sighters in 150 secs,
- 4 series of 5 shots in 150 seconds each,
- 4 series of 5 shots in 20 seconds each,
- 4 series of 5 shots in 10 seconds each.
- There will be a 60 second loading period and 7 second attention period before each series.
- There weill be a two (2) minute preparation time before each detail.
- Details will last approximately 30 minutes each.
Targets used will be ISSF Precision 25m (200mm aiming mark, 50mm 10 ring) on the Megalink electronic target system.
Ties (from 4th place) to be broken by countback, highest number of 10's, 9's, 8's etc. or the highest number of inner tens, in that order. Ties from 1st to 3rd place to be broken by shoot-off in one 10 second series with a 150 second sighter series.
Sunday 13th May
Range Opens at 09:30
- Detail A - 10:00 (course of fire as above)
- Detail B - 10:45
- Detail C - 11:30
- Detail D - 12:15
20 Shot Final for top seven shooters – 13:00 (4 series of 10 seconds each) with a 150 second sighter series.
(A final will only be held if there is a possibility of a change in the finishing order should such a final be held)
To book a detail, go to www.rathdrumrpc.org and choose 'Book Detail' from the menu on the left. Follow the steps to book date, firing point/detail. A confirmation email will be sent to you to confirm your booking. Only available firing points/details will be displayed.