Rathdrum, April 18, 2004 -
This year's National Indoor Smallbore Rifle Championships are to be held in the Rathdrum Rifle and Pistol Club on Sunday, April 25th. The range opens at 10:00am and last entries must be in by 12:30.
Prizes will be awarded for the top three places in the championships as well as in the classified sections.
Entry fee will be twelve euro.
Ties to be decided by graduated gauges
7 minutes per detail
One practice card allowed, strictly 10 shots per card thereafter. Anyone found to have shot rounds at anything but a target will be disqualified.
Firing points to be allocated on a first come first served basis
Single entry only allowed
10 minutes will be allowed after the posting of results for challenges to be lodged. Challenges Euro 2 per card which will be refunded if the challenge is successful.
Contestants may not retrieve or see their cards after handing them in for scoring and before lodging a challenge. Any cards seen, handled and/or removed after handing in for scoring may not be challenged and the Competitor will automatically lose a tie break in such circumstances unless the Range Committee decides otherwise.
This is a closed shoot for N.T.S.A. affiliates who are entitled to hold an Irish Passport. While non-affiliates may enter, they may not claim National Championship Prizes.