Shooting Festival 2004
Sawmill Road Ranges, Ballyclare
Sat. 25th, Wed. 29th, Thurs. 30th Sept. & Fri. 1st and Sat. 2nd Oct. 2004
- COMP. 1 60 Shot PRONE RIFLE @ 50m - MM13 Tgts.
- COMP. 2 60 Shot SPORT PISTOL @ 25m - (Turning Target)
- COMP. 3 60 Shot AIR RIFLE @ 10m - Single Bull Tgts.
- COMP. 4 60 Shot AIR PISTOL @ 10m - AIR 4 Tgts.
- COMP. 5 60 Shot SPORTING RIFLE @ 20 yds - PL 14 Tgts.
- SHORT AGG: Any two from Comps. 1 - 5.
- GRAND AGG: Any three from Comp. 1 - 5.
Entry Fees
- ONE COMP. - £6.00 (£3.00 Junior/Senior)
- TWO COMPS. - £10.00 (£5.00 Junior/Senior)
- THREE COMPS. - £13.00 (£6.50 Junior/Senior)
- FOUR COMPS. - £15.00 (£7.50 Junior/Senior)
- FIVE COMPS. - £17.00 (£8.50 Junior/Senior)
(Juniors under 21. Seniors over 65.)
Schedule of Shooting Details
Prone Rifle: 9.30am 11.00am 12.30pm 2.00pm 3.30pm
Sport Rifle 9.30am 11.00am 12.30pm 2.00pm 3.30pm
Air Rifle / Pistol: 9.30am 11.30am 1.30pm 3.30pm
WED. 29th
Air Rifle / Pistol: 7.00pm 9.00pm
Sport Pistol: 7.00pm 9.00pm
THURS. 30th
Air Rifle / Pistol: 7.00pm 9.00pm
Sport Pistol 7.00pm 9.00pm
Air Rifle / Pistol: 7.00pm 9.00pm
Sport Pistol: 7.00pm 9.00pm
SAT. 2nd
Prone Rifle: 9.30am 11.00am 12.30pm 2.00pm 3.30pm
Sport Rifle 9.30am 11.00am 12.30pm 2.00pm 3.30pm
Air Rifle / Pistol: 9.30am 11.30am 1.30pm 3.30pm
In each class as per entry.
Aggregate prizes will be cash for 1st and 2nd places. Only one aggregate per competitor.
NOTE: N.I.S.S.U. classification lists will be used.
Telephone entries will be taken by Ivor / Myrtle Fletcher on 02894 462336 (NI) or 082894 462336 (ROI).
Entries will also be taken on the range on first come basis.
General conditions of entry:
- All shooting will be squadded and targets shot consecutively.
- Squad times means first shot fired. Targets must be in frames five minutes in advance of these times.
- Competitors must enter in accordance with the current N.I.S.S.U. classification list. If your name does not appear on these lists please supply proof of your average, signed by your Club Captain or secretary. If you do not comply with the above you will be placed in the highest class in the event entered.
- The Air Rifle competition will be under I.S.S.F. rules where possible. All other competitions will be under N.S.R.A. Rules.
- E.A.R.P.C. cannot accept any responsibility for any article, including firearms and ammunition brought to or used at the meeting or any property left or stored on the ranges.